D000.103.BG Add-On Threaded Wet Temperature Probe for TX60U-IT
NZ $55.00Incl GST
La Crosse Alerts - Remote Monitoring & Alerts
When connected to a La Crosse Alerts™ temperature and humidity sensor, this 6 ft. stainless steel, 1/8” fine pipe threaded wet probe on a detachable 6 ft. cable measures water temperature. Use probe to monitor an aquarium, terrarium, hot tub, pool or garden. Maintain ideal temperature and prevent frozen pipes.
1.8m detachable stainless steel threaded wet temperature probe for existing temperature and humidity sensor
Wet probe measures temperature of water, soil, air or other wet environments
Monitor indoor temperature and humidity with the sensor (purchased seperately) and an aquarium, terrarium or hot tub water temperature with the detachable 6 ft. stainless steel wet probe.