Weather Stations Parts for TESA WS5300 WS5352CA WS5000

WCTX231RW Wind Cup Assembly

NZ $19.55 Incl GST

In stock ex Auckland, next business day delivery.

TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT - BACKORDER NOW. Please note: there are only 9996 of this item currently in stock. the selected product is not available.


Parts for TESA WS1081 WH1081, Parts for La Crosse 328-2314, Parts for La Crosse 330-2315, Parts for TESA WS2900C-PRO WS2980C-PRO, Parts for Wind Cup and Vane Direction Assemblies, Parts for La Crosse V40-PRO V40A-PRO, Parts for TESA WS5300 WS5352CA WS5000


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